Christmas Bills, a New Year and Bankruptcy

There are a number of reasons why Bankruptcy filings surge after the first of the year. The New Year brings introspection and the desire to finally find a way out of the hole you have been trying to climb out of for years. Christmas bills can be the last straw. Then, of course, there is the impending tax refund, which can be a helpful way to pay for the bankruptcy filing.

There are a few things to consider, though.

First, let’s talk about Christmas bills. The general rule is that you want to wait at least 70 days and preferably 90 days after you have last used your credit cards before filing a bankruptcy. There are exceptions to this, but those are sufficiently fact specific, that you will want to talk to a lawyer about your particular facts. What you should remember is, if you haven’t already stopped using your cards – do it now, before you call the lawyer. Then, go ahead and schedule the appointment. You will want some time to get things ready to file anyway, but have a good idea what your card usage has looked like during the last 30 – 60 days so you can discuss it with your lawyer in detail.

There are actually a couple of issues with tax refunds. First of all, you will be happier if you have your tax return for the completed year prepared before you file your Bankruptcy. In some cases, you will have to have it, but you will always want to have it in hand. One reason for that is that if you have not received your tax refund before you file your bankruptcy, your Trustee may be entitled to the refund. The solution to that, of course, is to have already received it and done something constructive with it before the case is filed. I will caution you that you will want to discuss exactly what you do with that refund with your lawyer before you do it – not after. Of course, I think that one of the best things to do with that refund is to pay your attorney for filing the bankruptcy – but I might be prejudiced.

Finally, there is that decision to start a new year finally freeing yourself from the unending cycle of debt that you have been mired in. Finally, it is time to put yourself back in a place where you can take care of yourself, your family, put something aside for retirement – yes, it is time! Not so fast. Is it time? Are you through getting into trouble? If you have lost a job, do you have a stable pay check coming in? With health insurance? If you’ve had health problems, are they behind you? If so, then, yes. It is time. Time for a New Year and a new start.


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